Brave Notary Continues Local Actvism
We were reviewing the blog and most of the recent stories have been downers, so we thought it was time to lighten the mood.
This story comes from our friends on our northern border, Canada.
So Who Is This Notary?
This notary is 33 year old Andrew Swidzinski. About a year ago he contracted a very rare disease, which has left him in really bad shape.
He was put on a ventilator for six months.
Despite the debilitating ordeal, Swidzinski has steadfastly remained engaged — from the confines of his hospital bed — in a feisty citizens-led movement to halt the demolition of the Pioneer bar and preserve the heritage of the iconic Pointe-Claire Village.
Montreal Gazette
One Brave and Relentless Notary
When Swidzinski was at his most dire, he still continued his activism.
Despite being partially paralyzed, nothing was going to stop him. He still was able to write a rousing letter, that his mother delivered at an appeal meeting. The speech was met with a standing ovation from people on both sides of the issue.
I wrote that with the one hand, when I didn’t have the ability to talk because there was a period where I was not able to talk or swallow,” Swidzinski recounted.
Montreal Gazette
It took five hours because I could only write for so long.

Despite still living in the hospital, Swidnzinki remains an ardent member of his activist group, SSPPC, where he remains vice president.
While the group told him to rest and focus on himself, Swidzinski refused, saying that this is his life calling, and he would see it through to the end.
The ordeal has lasted since last August and Swidzinski is concerned he will never be able to able to resume his notarial duties.
But, after all this, we wouldn’t bet against him. What a way to set him apart from the pack.

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