
Category: Notary News and Advice

Mobile Notary: Top 4 Iphone Apps

I have compiled a list of the Top 4 IPhone Apps for a Mobile Notary With today’s technology and the capabilities that are available in just the palm of your hand, there are many applications for the Apple Iphone that can help a Mobile Notary out on a daily basis. These apps can help keep cost down and increase productivity.  After you grab them, see what review websites you need to be on.

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5 Ways to Prep for a Successful Signing

In this list we go over the 5 ways to prep for a successful signing. Making sure you have all your ducks in a row can mean the difference if a signing is going to be good or not. Following these steps can help make sure that everything is prepared and ready from all sides of the signing.

Sometimes by following these steps, you end up catching something that needs to be corrected and saves you from having to correct it later. Now no one is perfect, but making sure you have a guideline system before the signing can make the difference of having a successful signing.

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The Top 7 Commonly Missed Documents By Notaries

Don’t Make These Mistakes!

We created this list to help all the folks out there in Notaryville to help avoid mistakes. We all know that sometimes signature lines are over looked, but did you know that the most common are 7 documents which we are going to cover in this list. Some of these documents only apply to FHA and VA loans while some of them are in every loan package.

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5 Tips to Stay Off the Do-Not-Use List

I was requested to make a list of how notaries go from getting a bunch of signings to none. Basically how they became a DO-NOT-USE-NOTARY. No one is perfect and we know that, but we still get a lot of mobile notaries that have to be put on a DO-NOT-USE list.

All different reasons, some are worse than others. So I have put together some things of what typically will get you put on that list. Every one of the listed items is from situations that were similar. Here are the top 5 mobile notary mistakes to help guide you.

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Top 5 Social Media Tips for Mobile Notaries

Mobile Notaries and Social Media

In today’s digital world, the web and social media play an integral role in driving a business forward. As a mobile notary, you can also take advantage of social media to gain new leads and new clients as well.

Don’t forget that individuals need notaries, too. And they might become a follower who you gain trust with. And with businesses needing both mobile and online notaries in the future, social media is a great way to put your services front and center.

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6 Ways to Make More Money as a Notary

Thanks for visiting to find out five ways you can make more money as a notary.  We deal with hundreds of notaries a week, and almost all of them are looking to expand their business. So,

This List is a Great Way To Expand Your Business, Your Services and Make More Money
Earn more money as a Mobile Notary

6. Look Into Doing Both Mobile and Remote/Online Signings

Yes, the world is changing, but the more the world changes, the more it stays the same.

Here is the cold hard fact. Businesses are going to need Mobile and Remote Notaries. So being ready and able to do both is a really good idea if you want to make more money.

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SPW – A New Standard For Notary Services

The Signing Professionals Workgroup (SPW) has finally done what all title companies and lenders wish would have been done years ago – create an industry standard. When important loans are signed, there were simply too many variables that were overlooked by signing agents. Now, however, the workgroup has developed a best-practice that must be followed when signing loans. This will help novice and seasoned notaries alike ensure that they follow the agreed upon industry best practices. Less errors will be apparent as well as a method to ensure every signing is done correctly. It is a step in the right direction for the notary world and any current notaries will want to ensure they fully understand these standards before they go into effect in 2014. While a completion date has not been set, the SPW expects all of their standards to be finalized by mid-2014.

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Top 5 Mobile Notary Mistakes

What are the top 5 mobile notary mistakes? No one is perfect, but being thorough and avoiding these mistakes should help you be a more efficient and productive mobile notary. You might want to also check our the top 6 notary errors that could lose you clients.

And if you are a new notary, how about having a successful first signing? Here are five ways to prepare for a successful signing.

We will note, that as remote online signings become more prevalent, these mistakes will apply to them as well. And a smart notary moving forward will realize that most businesses will need both mobile, as well as online notaries.

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Small Jobs add up to Big Bucks

Don’t turn down jobs because you think they are beneath you. In the end, small jobs can equal big bucks. Just as much as closings if you play your cards right.

In today’s age, mobile notaries are asked to perform all sorts of different mobile notary signings. As more laws come into play, and identity theft is at an all time high, more companies are requiring more types of documents to be notarized.

And that is before we consider the growing amount the influence, amount of work and new laws that are going to be involved in online notarizations. This has to be in thought, as most businesses will need both remote notaries and online notaries.

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