
Category: Notary News and Advice

Finding Your Niche

There is a saying that there is no such thing as bad publicity. When you try and find a niche for your business, should you consider popular sentiment when trying to find an edge?

We always advise finding a niche for your business, if possible. Even smaller ones can be profitable, as when you cater to a niche, word of mouth and positive press can both be force multipliers for the growth of your business.

While we definitely advise to go after a niche when it is hot, there are a couple of things you need to make sure of before you tackle the job.

For this article, we are going to assume there are two types of niches:

  • Mild, or politically neutral/safe.
  • Spicy, or controversial (even if you do not think it is).

So, a mild one would be opening a Cuban restaurant in an area with a lot of Cubans and no Cuban restaurants. A spicy one would be something that is currently in the news, or trending, that is surrounded by polarizing views.

Our Case Study

A new notary business has recently hit the news, over its niche. All the news we’ve seen has been positive and now they’ll get some from us, for whatever that is worth.

Momma B (Mobile) Notary opened recently in Wichita, Kansas, serving all, but focusing on the transgender market. Transgender rights have been expanding across the country, though it does remain a hot potato to many.

Does it Align with Your Core Values?

Finding Your Niche

For a lot of small businesses, the conversation on finding a niche starts and ends here. And we agree that this is the first question you should ask. If your company does not sound comfortable and confident concerning your niche, you probably are not going to do it well.

So, let’s take a look at Momma B.

The owner, Brenda Way is a transsexual who has been an activist in the community for years. She has raised money for things like clothing and body care supplies, as well as doctors and therapists visits.

Way said “one of my happiest moments” was when she helped about 25 people get their names legally changed along with the gender markers on their drivers’ licenses.

Wichita Eagle

That is 25 individuals that may have never chased their dream and notarized documents to follow through with their decision(s).

In other words, this niche is right up her alley. It is something she believes in, and something her company can speak on comfortably, confidently and with a level of authority.

So, Momma B is looking like a winner here.

How Do You Market to Your Niche?

First, find a reason they need marketing to. Are they under served? Has something recently changed? Is it an emerging or expanding market?

“Since (Gov. Laura Kelly helped) get the law changed in Kansas, trans people can now get their names and gender marker amended on their certificates of live birth. Part of that process is getting some papers notarized,” Way wrote.

Wichita Eagle

Momma B is capitalizing on a change in the law that leads to a new emerging market. And by getting out ahead of potential competitors, the business gains an advantage.

Beyond that, she found specific documents that can now be updated and notarized, and has positioned the business as the business you deal with in this niche.

But, Can She Expand Her Market?

Yes. Momma B plans to go mobile, performing signings across the area, many that seem to be for groups, so the business can perform multiple signings for the most people in the shortest amount of time.

Can She Spread the Word Without a Large Marketing Budget?

Yes, she can.

First of all, the publicity has helped to position Momma B as the groundbreaker in the niche. Solid press that reaches across the country is invaluable. So many small businesses never have this happen, so to have these types of stories out when you open provides the kick start most businesses only dream of.

Beyond that, like we said with niche businesses, they can spread considerably by word of mouth.

Momma B has this covered as well. For now, the company will offer half price discount for notarizations for transgenders, if the person agrees to tell someone else about the service.

From a marketing viewpoint, Momma B is top notch. She found/devised:

  • the right niche
  • an emerging and growing market
  • a plan to reach the niche
  • first class publicity
  • a way to spread word of mouth
  • a way to operate to bring the company into profitability
  • a way to separate her business from her competitors.

Any Drawbacks?

We all have to understand we live in a highly divisive time. One where people readily put their mouth where it does not need to be. Hopefully that will change in the future, but we live in the present.

While Momma B’s has seen good press, there have also been a couple of comments sections we’ve seen that had to be disabled. And all of us have seen too many businesses derided, protested and boycotted for what most would consider trivial reasons.

But Mamma B has an advantage here as well. The core values are their niche. Their niche is the embodiment of their core values.

In the past week, we’ve seen the NBA exposed for not really caring about their core values. And they have taken a beating for it.

Because when your core values are not something you truly believe in, eventually you will be exposed.

Every mobile notary that wants to see an excellent example of branding and marketing their business should study Momma B.

As of this writing, the Momma B website is not yet finished. We will provide a link when it is ready.

Sunshine Signing Service

Your Nationwide Notary Signing Service

Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.

Or Call us at (727) 817-0000

How Will Signings Be Performed Under Remote Online Notarization (RON)?

Is the future of remote online notarizations sitting at our own desk, or sitting at someone else’s desk?

Will the future bring us more freedom with the ability to work out of our home offices more often? Or, is it in a bunch of cubicles in the very type of office we’ve worked so hard to move on from?

They are starkly different scenarios. And it is something we all need to pay attention to.

This is part 3 of a series on remote online notarization, or RON, and the mobile notary.

Notarizing From Home

Technology is evolving on working from home. A webcam and a wish. All the comfort and efficiency of your own office, allowing you to streamline your operation a bit by performing certain signings from home.

These services might be run by corporations, trying to use you as an employee, online services essentially making notaries like uber drivers, or by a signing services such as ourselves using the same or similar ways we do business together now.

Make no mistake. Without major changes in new regulations, there will be a point when the only way to do certain signings will be with RON. There will also be certain signings that are done in person. It’s a new reality we have to adapt to.

How Will Signings Be Performed Under Remote Online Notarization (RON)?

The Cubicle Conundrum

Some of the newer companies on the scene envision a future where offices are packed full of notaries, making signings an assembly line operation. One where signings are more like a blur than the attention you give signings now.

They see a world where notaries are plain old employees, and not the sub-contractors or businesses they are today. A world where a couple of large corporations control the vast majority of the industry.

They would put you back into a box working a rote nine to five.

A rote nine to five.

Will RON be Good for Mobile Notaries?

Remote Notarization and the Cubicle Conundrum

Change can be scary, but it does not need to be.

We are writing this because we want you to be informed and be ready. To plan for multiple contingencies, and prepare for each. This is how businesses grow.

Some questions you may want to ask yourself:

  • How will remote signings affect incoming revenue? Could a change in pricing for a signing be offset, or increased, by the ability to do more signings remotely?
  • How will RON affect both the costs of running my business, as well as any tax write-offs I have that may grow smaller (eg, less mileage driven).
  • What signings in my area will remain mobile, and how can my company acquire more of them?
  • Is it in my best interest to allot certain times to remote signings, or to mobile signings, and work around that?
  • How can my company capitalize on a changing environment better than my competitors?
  • What type of new signings should I chase? Should I go after individuals?

So, will remote signings be good for the mobile notary?

The future is what we make of it.

This article is part 3 in our series about Remote Online Notarization, or RON.

Sunshine Signing Service

Your Nationwide Notary Signing Service

Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.

Or Call us at (727) 817-0000

How do Notaries Stand Against RON – Remote Online Notarization

As we explained in our last article, Remote Online Notarization (RON) is here to stay, and at this point notaries need to be ready for it, if not making sure notary voices are heard.

So, what can a notary do at this stage, to protect their interests?

Understand What Proponents of RON Want

Now, we can’t say everyone who is in favor of RON sees the same vision, but for all intents and purposes, it’s all about about money.

There are those who want to save a significant amount of money on signings, to those behind new technology and the money behind them, and even some in the industry itself.

They all either want to save money or make money.

Whether it is diluting the costs of signing, carving out part of the industry for themselves, or even selling products or services to those in the industry.

It’s About Money for Mobile Notaries (and Static), Too

It’s simple. Businesses run on money. It is the gasoline that powers our economic engine. And the gasoline price keeps rising, which is just a cost of business, unfortunately.

Supplying, protecting, diversifying, and growing our business all require money.

Fortunately, those with more experience tend to make better decisions. And that is what you have. Knowledge gained by experience. Established contacts in the industry. And so much more.

How do Notaries Stand Against RON - Remote Online Notarization

The American Dream

You are living the American Dream right now, and just like everyone that lives it, you don’t want to give it up.

You decided to forgo normal employment and start your own business. Which was probably a little scary, but was also a huge rush. And you haven’t only made it work, you have thrived, or are in the process of thriving.

You’ve already beaten the odds.

Where else can you start with a dream, start a business on your back porch, and grow into a business with dozens of full time employees? One who does business with tens of thousands of contractors and clients each year, and so many other businesses.

As the famous comedian Yakov Smirnoff used to say: “What a Country!”.

You are Already Ready

It’s not just RON, entrepreneurs who have thrived have to prepare themselves for all kinds of things. Expenses, competition, regulations, record keeping and a lot more.

The American Dream - Dusty Rhodes
Okay, maybe not this American dream.

RON is a new challenge, but you’ve already excelled and remote online notarization is just another bump in the road.

Find Those with Similar Concerns

You all know others in the mobile notary industry. Heck, some of them are probably your competition right now. But, sometimes what is good for us is also good for our competition. And the same things could be said about the other people you know, that are not your immediate competition.

Talk, debate ideas and make and prepare a formal plan. Just because you may not have been able to stop RON (California notaries have!), does not mean regulations going forward cannot ensure current notaries are protected.

But, if you can not present legitimate reasons to your local state lawmakers, and maybe even policy guidelines that are largely aligned nationally, it will be hard for them to join your cause.

Remember, “United we Stand, Divided we Fall”.

Sunshine Signing Service

Your Nationwide Notary Signing Service

Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.

Or Call us at (727) 817-0000

Remote Online Notarization (RON) and the Mobile Notary

The six hundred pound gorilla in the room is now the 6,000 pound gorilla. RON, or remote online notarization is here.

And it is about time we open our blinders and start talking about it.

This is the first in a series of how RON, or remote online notarization, will affect the mobile notary business, both ours and yours.

We are Late in the Game

Remote Online Notarization laws have spread like wildfire across the country this year. What was just a couple of states last year has turned into an avalanche this year.

The money behind the effort is just too much. The banks and venture capitalists just have too much to gain. And since no collective voice for notaries has stepped up and joined the fray to protect current notaries, most of the bills have gone unopposed through state senates and governor’s offices.

Unfortunately, RON has showed up at your house, taken your guest bedroom, and now you are going to have to live with him.

Is Remote Online Notarization the End?

Remote Online Notarization, or RON, brings changes to the Mobile Notary Industry


Hell no.

But, you must understand, changes are coming and you must prepare your business for them, just like we must prepare our business for it.

We either adapt with the times, or we get passed by. We must embrace change, while working to take advantage of it.

Now, there are still a lot of things that can mean for your business. Are there going to be as many mobile signings? Probably not in the longer term. Will you be able to supplement mobile signings with remote online notarizations? How about new types of signings? That is something you are going to need to figure out for your business.

We Need to Work Together

Last year we did signings with over 40,000 notaries. 40,000 highly qualified notaries we still want to do business with.

As you all know, we are not some fly by night operation. Many of you we have been working with for years, even if it is just a few signings per year. Others in busier areas have signed a lot of documents with us, signings we are determined to keep.

Remote online notarizations, or RON, and mobile notaries

When the crash happened in 2007 and most everyone took a beating, we grew. When there has been a smaller downturn in the market the last couple of years, we grew. And with remote online notarization now standing ahead of us, with your help, we will continue to grow, and do our best to protect the interests of the tens of thousands of notaries we do business with.

But, just like you and your business, our businesses together are going to find a new win-win. We have no doubt that we will, and are working on it every. single. day.

So in the Face of Remote Online Notarization, How do we move forward with RON?

Did we mention this is going to be a multi part series, where we go into more details on specific areas?

But, plan ahead. Make a three month plan for your business, make a year long plan for your business and make a three year plan for your business.

Take variations of RON into account, and see how it affects your business. Then ask yourself how you are going to address it.

Remote online notarization may seem like a new world, and it is, but that does not mean that we cannot prosper that new world.

Make a plan for your business and start working towards it. Leverage your industry contacts to expand or find new opportunities.

The issue is not what is wrong with RON, but how we can use remote online notarization to our advantage.

Is Crypto Currency an Attack on Notaries?

We’ve all heard of Bitcoin and new cryptocurrencies.

We may not understand what bitcoin is, how it works, or why people would use it. But, we’ve heard of it. If we’ve been paying attention, we would know that everyone and their grandmother are creating their own crypto currencies.

Isn’t Bitcoin a Bit Shady?

In short, yes.

While there are many benefits to currencies like bitcoin, they are also used for nefarious reasons and to evade the law. The “anonymous” nature of the transactions allows, if not encourages it.

Also, the fluctuation of the currency is massive.

Why? Because the currency attracts a lot of the wrong people looking to clean their cash. Even worse, that same technology has attracted a lot of venture capitalists, who can use their massive investments to manipulate the prices and make themselves billions of dollars.

Look at it this way. Bitcoin is like the New York Stock Exchange without any rules. And large investors, often working together, use that to their advantage to manipulate bitcoin prices, making themselves millions and leaving others invested in the currency in the lurch.

Is Bitcoin Bad for Notaries

What do Notaries Have to Do with Bitcoin?

Remember when we said people use bitcoin to skirt the law?

They are now using it to circumvent notary laws, avoid taxes and other legal responsibilities under the law.

Documents and transactions that are required to be notarized, are now being pushed through the bitcoin network, allowing users to make their industries the wild west once more.

Can I get a Current Example?

There is a shortage of coffee in the world right now, causing a crisis in the market, and sending prices for a cup of joe and other caffeinated products up.

But, is there really a crisis?

If you read the news, it is black and white. In reality, there is a whole bunch of gray there. The answer might just lie in how coffee is being traded.

Coffee producers are manipulating the market, using bitcoin as their weapon of choice, saving themselves money, evading notary law, and secretly filling orders that make it look like the market is short a whole bunch of coffee.

That is not to say definitively that there is not less coffee beans this season. As we said, there is a whole bunch of gray here. But, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are exacerbating the problem.

Small Farmers Start to Drive up Profits and Prices

Let’s start by saying we have no problems with small farmers. Most are paid a pittance of a wage for a job that is very rough on the body. So, seeing a situation where they make more money, how can we argue with that?

But, we do have a problem.

The coffee growers and their buyers are evading tax law, notarial law and regulations by selling in cryptocurrency. They make more money than if they went to market, and the buyer gets a better deal than on the open market.

Sounds like a Win-Win.

We love Win-Wins, except when the notaries are adversely affected or pushed out of the process.

Like we said the buyers and sellers are avoiding notary requirements. They are not just earning more for themselves, they are putting notaries out of business.

So, Would We Call That an Attack on Notaries?

Of course it is.

Notaries might just be caught in the crossfire now, but if current trends continue, notaries might just be pushed out of the process. What is now transparent will go dark, and eventually the public will suffer for it.

If allowed to continue this is going to affect a lot more than coffee beans. It very well could be a scourge across industries and push those who bring accountability to the market fewer opportunities.

And while that may be a good thing for bitcoin (inside bitcoin joke), it probably won’t be a good thing for notaries, whether they sign for individuals, large companies, or both.

Sunshine Signing Service

Your Nationwide Notary Signing Service

Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.

Or Call us at (727) 817-0000

The World’s First Notaries

How far back into the history of the world must we travel to find the beginning of the lineage of the notary profession?

While it would be easy to look at current technology and think notaries are a modern world creation, the truth digs much deeper into the history of man.

Starting in Ancient History

The first of what we may call notarial functions begins with the beginnings of civilization. The first are commonly known today as scribes, who were more recorders of transactions or events than what we could consider a notary’s job today.

The more archaeologists discover and comb through recent discoveries, though, the further into history can ancient notaries can be found.

While ancient Rome was long thought to have the first notaries, and had the first ones we would say performed more modern services, examples of scribes have been found in Ancient Egypt and Jerusalem.

Mesopotamian Notaries

Most of us, at one time or another, have heard of Ancient Mesopotamia, and it is believed they created the first known writing system, a language called cuneiform.

Originally created by the Sumerians, the earliest known civilization in Mesopotamia. They developed writing on clay tablets, where they used a pointy end of a reed to mark a series of wedge shaped marks, which was saved as writing as the clay tablet was heated at a low temperature, until it dried out and hardened.

Cuneiform Tablet

Why develop cuneiform?

To keep records. And for decades scientists deciphered all the tablets they could, finding things such as stories and sagas, as well as tales and recordings of historical events.

But, there were more, and when they were finally deciphered it brought the need for cuneiform into focus.

Mesopotamian Record Keeping

Further research revealed a ground breaking usage for cuneiform tablets. A series of tablets was found and deciphered. They were discovered to be tablets related to individual commodities.

They were receipts, or more centrally located records.

Sumerian Clay Tokens and Envelope

It was later found that these records were called tokens, and were used as early as 8,oooBC.

The first usages were small, short and sweet. But, as trade developed and more property was developed or changed hands, the clay tokens became more detailed.

And Thus Modern Language Was Born

As token usage increased, new ways to convey information was needed to keep up with the times, as society was flourishing. Clay envelopes were made to hold and transfer tokens, which led to the first abstract forms of pictographic writing.

This developed into individual symbols representing sounds, and the language became auditory. The language was not just simple symbols anymore. They were writing that could be spoken in a consistent manner.

Eventually these tokens led to a development of what we commonly call cuneiform, where writing was structured and written linearly.

Writing Was Developed to Keep Records

Amazingly, token usage started about 5,000 years before what we now know as the ancient language of cuneiform.

The tokens, the record keeping of ancient transactions, from property sales to produce, literally was the beginning of known human writing.

Scribes kept track of many transactions to ensure fairness in trade and title. And those scribes are the world’s first notaries, or at least the first of its lineage.

And they didn’t just use writing and language to convey information. The Sumerian and then Mesopotamian scribes actually created written language.

All to keep fair records of transactions. Talk about notaries that changed history.

Sound familiar?

You probably helped change history as you became part of the mobile revolution. And we are doing it again with online notaries and remote signings.

Sunshine Signing Service

Your Nationwide Notary Signing Service

Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.

Or Call us at (727) 817-0000

Brave Notary Continues Local Actvism

We were reviewing the blog and most of the recent stories have been downers, so we thought it was time to lighten the mood.

This story comes from our friends on our northern border, Canada.

So Who Is This Notary?

This notary is 33 year old Andrew Swidzinski. About a year ago he contracted a very rare disease, which has left him in really bad shape.

He was put on a ventilator for six months.

Despite the debilitating ordeal, Swidzinski has steadfastly remained engaged — from the confines of his hospital bed — in a feisty citizens-led movement to halt the demolition of the Pioneer bar and preserve the heritage of the iconic Pointe-Claire Village.

Montreal Gazette

One Brave and Relentless Notary

When Swidzinski was at his most dire, he still continued his activism.

Despite being partially paralyzed, nothing was going to stop him. He still was able to write a rousing letter, that his mother delivered at an appeal meeting. The speech was met with a standing ovation from people on both sides of the issue.

I wrote that with the one hand, when I didn’t have the ability to talk because there was a period where I was not able to talk or swallow,” Swidzinski recounted.

It took five hours because I could only write for so long.

Montreal Gazette
Brave Notary Continues Local Actvism

Despite still living in the hospital, Swidnzinki remains an ardent member of his activist group, SSPPC, where he remains vice president.

While the group told him to rest and focus on himself, Swidzinski refused, saying that this is his life calling, and he would see it through to the end.

The ordeal has lasted since last August and Swidzinski is concerned he will never be able to able to resume his notarial duties.

But, after all this, we wouldn’t bet against him. What a way to set him apart from the pack.

Sunshine Signing Service

Your Nationwide Notary Signing Service

Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.

Or Call us at (727) 817-0000

Can a Person with Multiple Personalities have Multiple Notary Stamps?

Can one person really get multiple notary stamps under different names?

More to the point. Can someone who has DID (dissociative identity disorder), more commonly known as multiple personality disorder, have multiple notary stamps for their different personalities.

Is This a Joke?

Unfortunately, no.

Although, it is probably worse than a joke. Worse because it is being used as a defense to an alleged infraction.

If you’ve watched more than an episode or two of Law and Order, you realize that there are a lot of wacky defenses out there, even if the show itself is fiction.

And That is a Defense in Court?

They can try.

Maybe they do have multiple identities. Maybe they are just delusional. Or maybe they are just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

Should Multiple Personalities get Multiple Notary Stamps

And how does one navigate between an actual disorder and the television portrayal that makes people misunderstand what the disorder really is?

Maybe the other personality goes on an extended vacation.

Why Would Someone Do This?

Corruption is a strong drug. Just like a problem gambler, every time you do it you get a rush. And soon you are shoulders deep chasing that original feeling.

And, so when your house of cards comes crashing down, you are more than willing to do whatever it takes to retain your previous lifestyle.

So, it This Legit?

We would not recommend trying it, okay?

And we fully expect the judge to toss it right out the door. There is no precedent for one person to obtain multiple notary commissions under multiple names, even under the extraordinary circumstances outlined so far.

Assuming the alleged is telling the truth (we don’t buy it).

Are There Further Implications?

Besides the part where someone is going to take a long vacation at taxpayer expense?

We would say maybe this is one condition that should be looked farther into.

With Seriousness.

Thankfully, it’s a one in a million possibility. But, if someone does have a second personality that takes over, or experiences lack of consciousness with no memory, should they be able to hold a stamp?

These people are not allowed to drive and many are subject to six month medical examinations if and when they do get their license.

The same rules apply to someone who has certain types of epilepsy.

So their career as a mobile notary is over. They would have to consider doing remote online signings.

Moreover, if someone can perform signings, but cannot remember doing so, and therefore cannot personally attest to the document’s provenance, should they be signing documents?

Again, thankfully this is the edge case of all edge cases. We are talking about something that wouldn’t impact more than a handful of notaries. The vast majority of people with this disorder are able to live full and happy lives.

Again, it’s not television and these are real people. It’s not up for us to decide (it never is).

But, we find questions where others see something unrelated. And saying you had multiple personalities that all wanted their own notary license, well most people see someone trying to game the system.

We see someone that allegedly took advantage of some of the most vulnerable among us. And has done so brazenly.

But, we also see past the story, to the question or questions that the story may raise. And that is, if a person has a bad case of one of a few disorders (very rare), is it proper to let them sign documents?

Sunshine Signing Service

Your Nationwide Notary Signing Service

Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.

Or Call us at (727) 817-0000

It’s Not Just Philly, Mobile Notary Service Owner Implicated in Stealing Homes in Cincinatti

A mobile notary service owner has been implicated in part of another set of homes being stolen right from under the owners.

Have to admit, this one hurts. Beyond what is in the news, we have verified the notary and the mobile notary service that they run.

This scam worked similarly to the one in Philly. That story has become a huge news story in the northeast, and you can check out our recent articles about Philly and the Philly Fiasco.

A Mobile Notary Service Owner?

Unfortunately, it appears so.

When asked what happened, [redacted] said they met [redacted] and [redacted] and agreed to sign the deed.

“I met these people in a parking lot, OK?” they said from their front porch.

For their part, they are saying that they were duped and are cooperating with the investigation.

But, if media reports and released questioning are to be believed, they knew full well what they were doing was illegal, and they did it anyway.

(Do not click the following links unless you want to see names.)

When asked what happened, [redacted] said (sic) they met [redacted] and [redacted] and agreed to sign the deed.
“I met these people in a parking lot, OK?” (sic) they said from (sic) their front porch.

Local 12
Cincinatti Mobile Notary Service Implicated in Fraud

What Did They Say to Police About Their Actions

From what we can tell, their definition of being duped is definitely not ours. If the police transcripts are true (and we have no reason to believe they are not), they admitted to knowingly breaking the law.

A law that allowed at least five homes to be stolen from their owners.

Again, don’t click unless you want names.

Officer: You did violate the golden rule, which is you’re supposed to watch them sign it?
[Redacted]: Yep.
Officer: So, in other words, you said, ‘I’m not supposed to put a notary without them being here’?
[Redacted]: Right.

Local 12

It’s Not Just the One Notary

At least two other notaries are under investigation according to detectives working on the case.

Deeds they are alleged to sign have quite a bit more chutzpah, including an entire apartment building and a church.

So, Were the Notaries Duped?

Look, we always give benefit of the doubt to the notary. We don’t name names. Heck, in this article we didn’t even name the business, or the names of the non notaries alleged of the crime.

But, if media and police statements are correct, it becomes harder to sympathize.

How can you be duped when you admit knowingly committing fraud? When you meet your customers in a parking lot and all the signers are not there?

So, while we will continue to give the benefit of the doubt to the mobile notary and others, we have to say it is a bit harder to do in this circumstance than others we have covered.

That said, imagine if we named names on the notary originally accused in the aforementioned Philly scandal. The one who was completely exonerated a few weeks later.

That would have been wrong, and it would be wrong in this case as well, unless and until they plead out, are found guilty, or are exonerated.

(We still wouldn’t release names, unless a notary was slandered in public and then exonerated. In that case, if the notary approves, we may as a way to help the notary regain their good name.)

Sunshine Signing Service

Your Nationwide Notary Signing Service

Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.

Or Call us at (727) 817-0000

The Philly Fiasco Goes International

The #PhillyFiasco has put the city in disarray, as three suspects have fled the United States, along with their profits.

To catch you up if you are out of the loop, at least 21 elderly and deceased home owners had their houses stolen from underneath them, in a brazen scheme targeting homes in neighborhoods that have seen the highest increase of values for homes.

Our previous article on the Philly Fiasco.

Update: The Philly Fiasco Follow Up – First Step to Stop Fraud

Forging Ahead

The Philly Fiasco started when fraudsters started forging and filing phony deeds transferring ownership of properties to themselves. They then tried to flip the property quickly before the family members of the victim found out.

Beyond that, investigators are looking at another set of sales, where the deeds were transferred between several names in quick succession.

It is thought that this ploy was used to both cover up the original crime, as well as fool title and mortgage companies.

As of this time, investigators have uncovered 21 homes stolen, and are looking into more transactions.

The Philly Fiasco Goes International

Notaries Not All in the Clear

The Philly prosecutors office has essentially stated that no charges are expected to be levied against notaries in the state of Pennsylvania.

In all but one of the transactions, the prosecutor’s office has said fake signatures and stamps were used to enable the transactions.

As a check on fraud, signatures on deeds must be verified by notaries. But prosecutors said that the notary signature and stamps were also forged.

But, prosecutors are looking at a notary for possible crimes. The kicker is they work at a US Embassy in Israel, and the signing may have been done after the accused fled the country.

This particular signing is said to have been an online signing. Even this late in the game, the fraudster knew how to perfectly use the system against victims.

They used the opportunity to exploit security weaknesses inherent in remote signings, avoiding having to ever have a proper photograph taken, as well as avoiding background checks.

So What Tropical Beach Are they Kicking Back at Now?

Investigators have not uncovered where the three foreign nationals have fled.

The accused are one Israeli and two Lithuanians who have stayed one step ahead of the system since April 2017.

For the prosecutors who filed the arrest warrants, they said they hope this prevents the suspects from ever returning to the country, and allow them to be arrested if they do.

In all, the alleged face over 200 criminal charges.

A fourth potential suspect is based in Germany. Investigators said this person may have transferred money between the three accused suspects.

Raising Questions

The #PhillyFiasco is painfully unfolding, fortunately exonerating any notaries stateside.

But, it raises some important questions that need to be answered.

From gaping holes in the system, to inherent security risks, to signings that occur overseas, it is something that needs to be addressed in a meaningful way.

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