How Will Signings Be Performed Under Remote Online Notarization (RON)?
Is the future of remote online notarizations sitting at our own desk, or sitting at someone else’s desk?
Will the future bring us more freedom with the ability to work out of our home offices more often? Or, is it in a bunch of cubicles in the very type of office we’ve worked so hard to move on from?
They are starkly different scenarios. And it is something we all need to pay attention to.
This is part 3 of a series on remote online notarization, or RON, and the mobile notary.
Notarizing From Home
Technology is evolving on working from home. A webcam and a wish. All the comfort and efficiency of your own office, allowing you to streamline your operation a bit by performing certain signings from home.
These services might be run by corporations, trying to use you as an employee, online services essentially making notaries like uber drivers, or by a signing services such as ourselves using the same or similar ways we do business together now.
Make no mistake. Without major changes in new regulations, there will be a point when the only way to do certain signings will be with RON. There will also be certain signings that are done in person. It’s a new reality we have to adapt to.

The Cubicle Conundrum
Some of the newer companies on the scene envision a future where offices are packed full of notaries, making signings an assembly line operation. One where signings are more like a blur than the attention you give signings now.
They see a world where notaries are plain old employees, and not the sub-contractors or businesses they are today. A world where a couple of large corporations control the vast majority of the industry.
They would put you back into a box working a rote nine to five.
A rote nine to five.
Will RON be Good for Mobile Notaries?

Change can be scary, but it does not need to be.
We are writing this because we want you to be informed and be ready. To plan for multiple contingencies, and prepare for each. This is how businesses grow.
Some questions you may want to ask yourself:
- How will remote signings affect incoming revenue? Could a change in pricing for a signing be offset, or increased, by the ability to do more signings remotely?
- How will RON affect both the costs of running my business, as well as any tax write-offs I have that may grow smaller (eg, less mileage driven).
- What signings in my area will remain mobile, and how can my company acquire more of them?
- Is it in my best interest to allot certain times to remote signings, or to mobile signings, and work around that?
- How can my company capitalize on a changing environment better than my competitors?
- What type of new signings should I chase? Should I go after individuals?
So, will remote signings be good for the mobile notary?
The future is what we make of it.
This article is part 3 in our series about Remote Online Notarization, or RON.
- Part 1: Remote Online Notarization (RON) and the Mobile Notary
- Part 2: How do Notaries Stand Against RON – Remote Online Notarization
- Part 3: This Article
- Part 4: Real ID, the Notary, and RON

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Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.