Scan & Fax Backs Helpful Hints for Mobile Notaries
In today’s time, being a mobile notary public can be more demanding than before. One of the biggest requests for mobile notary public signings requires fax backs of the documents. A lot of signing agents don’t like to do scans or fax backs and charge extra for this service. They say they have to go back to their office to send everything back and this is inconvenient to them.
Well, the truth is this requirement will likely increase. The notaries that are able to accommodate this request are the ones that will be kept busy with work in the future. For a mobile notary public that does this as their primary source of income, they will want to make sure they can handle these requests. I say invest in yourself and your business by having these capabilities.
You probably also want to look at remote age and the new mobile office.
Technology Aids the Mobile Notary Public
There is a ton of new technology that creates a great convenience to get the job done quicker which will increase your productivity and profitability. Now-a-days just about every signing agent has a Smartphone. These devices allow us to do everything on the go, from mobile printing, scanning, and emails. Your phone has turned into one of your greatest tools. There are a few different options that you can utilize to provide a great service to your clients.

Did you know that there are apps for scanning docs on your phone? And online services that will do fax backs to any number from a scanned document?
There are numerous applications for the iPhone, Android, and even Windows phones that will scan a document by taking a picture, enhance it, and then allow you to do fax backs or email it directly back to your client. These work great for those signings that only require a handful of docs to be faxed back.
Turn Your Vehicle into an On the Go Office and Fax Backs Machine

Then, you have your mobile office equipment in your vehicle that allows you to never have to rush home to print docs to complete an assignment. You have portable printers that allow you to print wirelessly from your phone or laptop. If you go this route, find one that has scanning capabilities.
The printer can send the file to your laptop or even to your phone. That way you can send them right away, without having to make another stop.
Another option is to buy just a portable scanner. A lot of these are battery operated, and work wirelessly via Bluetooth. I can scan a whole set of documents in a matter of minutes and send fax backs to my clients easily.
Having these tools as a mobile notary public in your arsenal will make you an asset to all your clients. These suggestions will allow you to complete your jobs in a more efficient manner and save you time. Having this convenience will allow you to not have to charge for that service which in return will earn you more signings. You owe it to yourself and your business to research and see what works best for you.

Your Nationwide Notary Signing Service
Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.
Or Call us at (727) 817-0000