
Notary Search

A notary search can be frustrating and time consuming.

People performing a notary search can easily find the process to be more than they want to manage, especially in business. Sure, you can find notary directories online, but you’ll find yourself calling way too many of them to be worth your time.

So, I have a list of notaries near me and I pick up the phone and start calling them.  I quickly find out many of them are booked, so I keep calling.

And I quickly realize the difficulty in finding time to arrange myself and the other party, as well as the notary, all at the same time.  Sure, I can find a time for me and the notary, or for me and the other party, but finding a time that works for all of us is like sticking a square peg in a round hole.

Then I realize that I have multiple signings at different times and places.  And I get covered in dread as I pick up the phone and start dialing some more.

And soon I realize that I am wasting too much productivity doing a notary search I really don’t have the time or inclination to do.

Start Your Notary Search

Wasted Productivity and Time

So now I’ve buried half the day into a notary search I thought would take ten or fifteen minutes.  And I didn’t have the time to pay attention to more pressing issues at hand.

So I throw my hands in the air and say this is not working!

Seriously, I:

  • Found a notary directory easily enough
  • Picked up the phone and dialed and dialed trying to find the right notary
  • Then I had to deal with the other party in the signing and arrange a time with them as well
  • And this cycle went around in circles, just like my head, as this is not my forte at all

Perform Your Notary Search More Efficiently

And then I finally found Sunshine Signing.  They are a mobile and online notary service that has tens of thousands of notaries across the country.

And better yet, they handle all of the scheduling!

I just give them a time and place and they send a notary to me.  All of that hassle out the window.  All the productivity and time wasted is gone and I can focus on the core portion of my business.

Better yet, they ensure my notary is qualified and has a full background check.  They verify the notary has valid licensing and insurance.

And did I mention, they bring the notary to me, instead of me bringing myself to the notary.

The next time you perform a notary search, start it with Sunshine.

Sunshine Signing Service

Your Nationwide Notary Signing Service

Increase your efficiency and bottom line with Sunshine’s Mobile Notary Services and Online Notary Services. Sunshine is always there when you need us.

Or Call us at (727) 817-0000

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